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Getting Stalled too Often?

Seth Godin recently published a new blog entry titled "License to Stall". It's a good read, and useful to anyone who is finding his or her marketing efforts more difficult than necessary...

Do You Own a Domain for Your Own Name?

Although many people may have the same name as you do, only one of you will be able to own the .com version of that name. For many people with common names, some guerilla marketing may be in order...

Walking Softly on the Telephone

Sometimes we need to "Walk Softly" as we use the telephone. We have all been victims of Telemarketers who call at inconvenient times. You know the type - can't pronounce your name, obviously...

Alternative Places for Networking

For some new ideas on places to network, check out Jessica Chen's article in Entrepreneur Magazine. Most of us need to find new methods and places to expand our networks because for many...

The ‘Net as a Tool

Seth Godin's blog rant on using the 'net as a tool is spot on. I probably read Seth's blog, articles, books, etc. more than any other author. I don't always agree with him, but very often we find...

Practicing Better Networking

Enclosed is a link to an Entrepreneur Magazine article by Dr. Ivan Misner, network authority and founder of Business Networking Internetional (BNI). Dr. Misner emphasizes the importance of...